Candidate Details
- Residence
Columbus - Email - Website - Social Media - Age
65 - Occupation
Attorney at Law - Education
Juris Doctor - February 1987; Capital University Law School
BGS/Political Science and Business - 1982; Ohio University
- Work Experience
April 2006 to Present - Janie D. Roberts, Attorney at Law - Sole practitioner law office, trial practice representing cliens in criminal, civil, domestic, juvenile cases. Trial practice with concentration in domestic and juvenile court cases.
March 1997 to April 2006 - Magistrate Franklin County Court of Common Pleas, Juvenile Division. Magistrate in Juvenile Traffic Court presiding over docket for all Franklin County Juvenile charged with traffic offenses, including preliminary hearings, motions hearings, pleas, and trials.
May 1994 to 1998 - Janie D. Roberts, Attorney at Law - Private Practice.
March 1990 to May 1994 - Ohio Attorney General's Office, Assistant Attorney General in Worker's Compensation Section and Crime Victim's Services Section. Trial practice in Common Pleas Courts throughout Ohio and practice before Ohio Courts of Appeal; Practice before Court of Claims of Ohio.
May 1985 to March 1990 - Franklin County Public Defender Staff Attorney - Trial lawyer representing indigent criminal defendants in Franklin County Municipal Court.
May 1984 to May 1985 - Frankln County Public Defendant Law Clerk.
May 1983 to May 1984 - Columbus City Attorney - Night Prosecutor Program; Mediator.
- Family
Three adult children and one grandchild - Affiliations
Ohio Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
Central Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
- Endorsements
Fraternal Order of Police, Capital City Lodge #9

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
1997 - 2006; Magistrate - Franklin County Common Pleas Court Domestic Division/Juvenile Branch
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I have practiced law in Franklin County since May 1986. My legal experience is diverse and encompasses jury and court trial sin many counties throughout the state. For the last 25 years, I have practiced in Domestic Relations and Juvenile Courts where I have appeared with clients almost daily and where I presided as a Magistrate. I have represented and worked with people of all bakcgrounds and with a wide range of legal issues. I have been appointed as guardian ad litem for many children in abuswe neglect cases and in custody cases. I have represented juveniles with delinquency charges including bind overs to adult court. I have experience in every aspect of the court for which I am seeking election.
My extensive trial experience and reprsentation of clients in domestic, juvenile and criminal cases, has resulted in me being knowledgeable in all laws involved in the cases filed and heard in the domestic and juvenile divisions of the court. My experience as a parent of three children and grandparent of one, has given me insight into the issues facing children and families.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I am running for this judicial seat because I have the experience, legal knowledge and disposition to listen to all cases and to make fair decisions which follow the law. I will get cases completed as expeditously as possible and will assure that the Magistrates in the court do the same. I will treat all parties respectfully. I am running for judge because I care about all famliies in Franklin County.